Showing posts with label Gtalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gtalk. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Access GTalk if blocked by Proxy

Hi Guys,

A auick blog on accessing gtalk if blocked at your schools and workplace

a) The easiest option is to download the google desktop application, this bypasses a lot of proxies and you stay connected with your chat buddies. You may download the application from the following link:

b) An alternate solution would be to use the following link, just copy and paste the same on to your browser address bar :

c) One of the other solutions is to use ebuddy, here you can connect with most of your chat clients, the website doesnt reauire you to download any application you can use the chat client directly from your browser:

d) Everyone likes chatting and the chat applications like Yahoo Messenger and Gtalk short for Google Talk are quite famous. These days many of us face the problem of Blocked Yahoo Messenger, Gtalk and even Meebo at our schools, colleges and offices.

Meebo is a good option to access AIM, Yahoo Messenger, GTalk and MSN chat applications. Meebo is a web based instant messenger client that allows us to login to our Aim, Yahoo, MSN or Google instant messenger accounts from the Meebo homepage. It enables us to chat even without installing any software but what if the Meebo also has been blocked?
The Meebo officials have found a solution to this problem. They have developed software called Meebo repeater (download it from here) which will handle all the things for you. It will automatically tell you the internet address that you will have to use to connect toMeebo and yes it is very safe and private.

So go ahead and defy all laws because chatting is no crime.

Am looking into more solutions but the above should take care of blocked proxies for now :-)
