Friday, April 17, 2009

Pick Up Lines

The purpose of any pick up line is to attract attention and give someone the idea that you are interesting and worth spending more time with. This is why it’s difficult to come up with a really good one – it as to convey the qualities beyond appearance that will attract the recipient. Here are a few of those qualities and the kinds of sweet pick up lines that might work with each. Also have requested guys to forward their favorite ones so will keep adding to this list.

With Confidence:
"You look interesting. I’m interesting too. Let’s talk about interesting things."
"My friend told me this party would be worth my time – and now that I see you, he was right."
"I’m having a JD neat, What can I get for you? If she already has a drink, ask her what she is having and pledge to buy the next one."

The key to all of these is that they do not seem desperate – instead, there’s a sense of identity and an idea that you want to get to know the person not because you have nothing better to do but because both of you enjoy the experience.

With Humor:

"If I had a nickel for everyone I saw as attractive as you, I’d have…five cents"
"The next time you get a dozen roses, look in the mirror. You’ll see the 13 most beautiful things in the world."
"I would love to buy you a drink but I’m afraid I’d be too jealous of the glass."

Odds are, if you can get someone laughing, you’ve used one of the many sweet pick up lines. However, humor is a tricky thing – going for bawdy or puerile humor may work, but could easily backfire. Going for a clever line is probably better than trying to be funny.
All of these are obliauely complimentary, and the person has to think about them for a moment before their meaning becomes clear. This buys you time, and the longer it takes her to say “no”, the harder it is for her to do so.

With Romance:
"Excuse me… May a thorn sit amongst the roses?"
"It takes the sweetest pick up lines to make you mind, but all I could find was your beauty so fine, and the words, please be mine?"
"I wish that I was tear: Born in your eyes to live on your cheeks, and to die, happy, at your lips."
"I look in your eyes and see a portal…a gateway to a world of which I want to be a part.(Only if the lady is a movie buff or looks intelligent)"

You really can’t go wrong with a touch of poetry or classically romantic lines. Even if the person says no – and she might – if delivered with a sense of passion the odds are you’ll still look good even if rejected.

With Playfulness:
"Do you have the time? Thanks April 17, 2009, at 10:00 PM, now I’ll always remember the exact moment I saw you."
"You seem popular, but I bet you have room in your life for another friend."
"Careful with that frown – you’ll break the hearts of everyone whose fallen in love with your smile."
"May I see your hand for a moment? Speculate wildly about their fortune – getting more and more ridiculous – and when they finally ask what you’re doing, just say – I actually wanted to hold your hand."

Sometimes being clever isn’t enough on its own. You can also work little games or challenges into your opening, with an easygoing smile if the person refuses to play. Remember, sometimes the way you take rejection can be more impressive than any line at all.

In the end, though, the sweetest pick up lines are the ones that are simply straightforward, honest and hold no expectation or design than to make the recipient feel good.
"Hello. I don’t want you to think I’m stalking or weird or anything, but I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I’m glad you’re here, and all I wanted to do was thank you for showing up and making my evening."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Advise Men Shouldn't Take From Women

Getting dating and relationship advice from women can have its obvious benefits. They're behind enemy lines -- they know the opposition and can offer a play-by-play on how to win a dating battle. Given their innate understanding of the female mind, it would stand to reason that women should be a man’s main source of intel, right? You have to realize that most women deal in half-truths when doling out pearls of dating wisdom. It's not a deliberate sabotage; it's simply a case of what women want and what they say they want not quite overlapping. Here are the standard-issue examples of advice you shouldn't take from women.

"Be yourself"

This isn't a total lie on the part of the hordes of women who say it. Many females fancy themselves mature individuals who want to see beyond the dating games into the real soul of the guy hitting on her. But let's be real; no one is their actual self when they're first meeting someone they're attracted to. If that were the case, women would go to bars wearing their comfy sweats and no makeup, and we all know that’s not what you’re seeing when you’re out on a Friday night. Women try to put out the best, shiniest versions of themselves when they're on the prowl, and they expect the same from you.

Bottom line: Girls want to get to know the real you, but only to a certain extent. Save the Battlestar Galactica obsession and ex-girlfriend sob stories for the fifth or sixth date.

"We're just looking for nice guys"

At its core, this is valid: No self-respecting woman wants to be with a total asshole who doesn't treat her right. But there’s more to it than that. There have been actual studies done (science time!) that suggest that a woman's conscious ideal of what she's looking for in a man (what she says she wants when she sits down and thinks about it) more often than not doesn't match the type of man she ultimately goes for when presented with real-life choices. Women think they want the unfailingly nice guy, but when it comes to their base instincts, they’re attracted to the guy who is just a little bit mysterious and a teensy bit arrogant -- at least at first. There's nothing like that initial chemical rush for a woman when a man approaches her not as Prince Charming but as a funny, confident guy who teases her just a little. Men aren't the only ones who like a challenge.

Bottom line
: A guy who isn't fawning all over a girl the first time he meets her is much more attractive than an eager-beaver boy who weeps when watching Chocolat.

"I like that you have female friends"

While this isn't specifically a piece of advice you shouldn't take from women, it is a statement that you can categorically ignore. Women will deny it until the day they die, but they loathe most close female friends that you have. Your girl wants to be the only female perspective you need in life, apart from your mother. The idea that you could be talking to another girl about your relationship is enough to kick a woman's bitch-drive into high gear. This doesn't mean you should drop your female confidantes, but it does mean you have to know to tread lightly when the topic is broached, no matter how "totally cool" your girl says she is with it.

Bottom line
: Keep your female friends way outside of the borders of your relationship, but when they do come up in conversations with your lady, be sure to throw around adjectives such as "ugly," "annoying,” “
getting married.” Be creative!

“I don't really care about Valentine's day or anniversaries”

Deep down in your primal male subconscious, you know this is a lie. Yet somehow, hearing it from a woman’s mouth is so unexpected and inviting that you find yourself believing it. It doesn’t matter what your lady says with regards to these holidays built around romance -- she is hoping and expecting you to recognize them in some way.

Bottom line: Buy a calendar. Even if she really does think they’re dumb, you score triple points for not brushing a special event off anyway. Everybody wins!

When women dole out dating advice, they try to help you with the best of intentions. The only problem with following women's advice is that sometimes their minds are as confusing to them as they are to you. But don't completely abandon hope when it comes to seeking help from the opposite sex -- just be aware of your source. Women may not be able to single-handedly secure you a win in the dating wars with their advice, but they might be able to at least provide you a detailed map of the enemy camps. (Another bit of advice: Don't refer to women as “the enemy".
